August 23, 2023


An altimeter is a device used to measure altitude or elevation. An altimeter is a type of sonar and indicates how high we are from the ground of a body of water (pool, sea, lake, ocean, etc).

Methods of Depth Measurement in Ancient Times

In the rope altimeter, good quality linen, hemp, or specially woven synthetic fibers are used as measurement tools. A metal weight is attached to the end of the rope to make it sink into the water and enter the vertical direction quickly. This weight varies between 2.5 to 10 kg depending on the depth of the water and the speed of the current. To reduce the rope's dimensional changes over time, it is soaked in water for about a day before being divided and then stretched between two poles to dry. After drying, the rope is divided by attaching colored fabrics, leather pieces, or brass plates at regular intervals (usually 20 cm). The length of the rope is checked before and after each measurement. Special weights are used when taking samples from the underwater base. These weights can be applied with adhesive wax or thick oil under the weight, or special sample containers can be used.

Modern Methods of Depth Measurement

The basic principle of this method is to measure depths by utilizing the spreading and reflecting properties of sound waves in water. Sound pulses obtained from a sound generator in the water, directed vertically, spread in waves and reach the underwater base, then reflect back to the water surface. Since the propagation speed of sound waves in water, "V", is known, the round-trip travel time of the pulses, "t", is measured to find the water depth from the relationship "H = 2tV".

Benefits of an Altimeter in Submersible Vehicles

  • It shows how high you are from the ground during search and rescue operations.

  • Prevents the underwater vehicle from hitting the ground during landing.

  • In waters with low visibility, prevents the vehicle from colliding with elevations on the ground using "Auto Altitude".

  • With "Auto Altitude", the vehicle can remain fixed at the desired height from the ground.

Hoytek Altimeter

  • Proven in the field.

  • Adjustable sound wave speed.

  • Adjustable range.

  • Extremely accurate altitude measurement.

  • Depth capability of 300 meters.

For detailed information about Hoytek Altimeter, you can visit the link.